Married Life

Chapter break for Seedless Vol. 1. Stoked that Rey asked me to do this for him. I get asked to colour a lot of stuff, it was nice to be asked to draw something for a change.
On sale August 18th.

Tokyo Police Club
Really enjoying the sounds of the new Tokyo Police Club album, "Champ". Good listening for late nights scrambling to make deadlines. Upbeat, catchy guitar pop that will keep your head bopping without distracting you from your work.
Posted below are videos for two singles released from "Champ".
Daily Monsters
Really happy that I got the chance to be involved with this project. I have nothing but love and respect for what Shane has done in regards to Daily Monsters. I highly recommend checking out Daily Monsters, Vol. 1 if you have the chance. Both Shane Hillman and Shane Long did an absolutely amazing job putting the book together.
On sale at Comic-Con International: San Diego, July 22-25, 2010.Click here for more information.
Click here for more images.
line art : Shane Hillman
logos : Shane Long

Fang Island
The past six months I have had Fang Island's self titled debut on constant repeat. Nothing but love for the album. Feels like listening to Weezer's self titled debut for the first time. Fun, catchy and refreshing compared to everything else right now.
Posted below is a video of Fang Island playing my favourite track live on KEXP.
Scott Pilgrim
Cover for Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6 : Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour. So glad to finally be able to show this to you all.
On sale July 20th.Enjoy!
line art : Bryan Lee O'Malley

R.I.P Jun Seba / Nujabes
Just found out producer Jun Seba (Nujabes) has passed away.
His incredibly soulful music and amazingly fresh beats provide me with so much inspiration on a daily basis. Be it making my own music, drawing, coloring or simply making it through the day, his music is always there.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with us all and Rest In Peace, Jun.
The Mint Chicks "Screens" has been my non-stop-making-comics soundtrack for the past two weeks. Absolutely in love with it right now.
Posted below are videos for two singles released from "Screens". Both as visually inspiring and fresh as the music they were produced for.
The depthCORE XXXVIII - Freestyle IV exhibition is now live so I can finally show off this piece I created for said exhibition.

Sing Sang Sung
I love this video, so fluid and the colors are to die for. In a lot of ways it reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. I especially love the segues between environments, stalagmite ridden caves to beautiful cellular structures to glitter spewing power plants to luscious cake frosting to floating pink diamonds et cetera. So smooth and fresh. Love it!