Blue Beetle

Late last week, I was lucky enough to receive a copy of Blue Beetle #1, from one customer that frequents the comic shop I work at. When I say Blue Beetle I mean Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle created by Steve Dikto.

Soon as I saw the cover, with Ted swinging down from his bug with his trusty sky wire, I knew I was in for a treat.

Its an amazing blend of classic Spider-man quips and humor mixed with the gadgetry and detective elements of Batman. An instant classic, I loved it. Hit all the right notes and left me keen to read more.

Mid way through the book it features a sequence with Dan Garrett, the previous Blue Beetle.

This piqued my interest and led to me getting on Ebay and purchasing Secret Origins #2, which explains the origins of both Dan and Ted. It's drawn by Gil Kane too, which instantly made it a must have!

So my eyes have been opened to the wonderful world of the Ted Kord era of Blue Beetle, and I've been provided with the inspiration to bust out the following sketch of the one and only Ted Kord.
