Mark Smith recently posted a teaser, for Gladstones School For World Conquerors, on a guest Blog@Newsarama. It is an awesome project which I am very proud to be involved with. At this point in time however, a release date has yet to be set.Mark will of course be on writing duties, Armand Villavert will be providing the art, Steven Finch of Fonographiks fame will be dropping letters and I will be laying down the color. Dan Hipp of Amazing Joy Buzzards fame came up with the awesome Gladstone's logo gracing the top of the teaser.
Below is another Gladstone's related image of some of the main students who will appear in the book. Aside from this being a character study for Armand, it was also a test lettering run for Finch and a test color run for myself. I think it, along with the teaser, gives a good idea on what you can expect with the final product.
art : Armand Villavert
colors : Dylan
letters : Steven Finch
Gladstone's School For World Conquerors